Related Experience/Certifications

1996, 2008; Oklahoma Secondary Teaching Certificate (7-12 grades), Oklahoma State Dept. of Education.  Endorsements: Anatomy/Physiology, Biology, Botany, Earth Science, and Zoology.
1998; Basic Wildland Firefighter Training (S-130, S-190, Standards for Survival, & I-100), National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Northeastern Oklahoma State University and OSU Dept. of Forestry, Stillwater, OK.
July-August 2001; Research Asst./Photographer; Ichthyological collecting expedition, upper Río Amazonas, Iquitos, Perú.
2002; Participating Instructor. Ecology of a Mexican Cloud Forest. El Cielo-Biosphere Reserve, Tamaulipas, Mexico; University Texas at Brownsville and NSF.
2004; National Association of Boating Law Administrators- Boating Safety Certification #98810708872.
2004; taught Ecology of the Florida Gulf Coast, Florida State University- Edward Ball Marine Lab, Turkey Bayou, FL.
November 2005; River Morphology and Applications: Level I-II. Wildand Hydrology, Arkansas Center for Continuing Education and the Watershed Conservation Resource Center, Fayetteville, AR.