Sunday, February 21, 2010

Earth Science Websites of Interest for Students

WPS Earth Science Students,

Here are two excellent websites I came across recently.  The first is a site published by the National Science Foundation explores the relationship between global climate change and the hydrologic cycle.  There are videos and much more.

The second site, is designed to help students identify common minerals and study their properties.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Astronomical Viewing March 29th at the Wynona Baseball Field

I have invited William St. John to bring his telescope and set up an astronomy demonstration at the Wynona High School baseball field the evening of Monday, March 29th.  

There will be a full moon to view and possibly some interesting constellations. The tentative plan is to spend 1 ½-2 hours allowing visitors to come and go.  WPS students, staff, and parents are welcome.

I may try to grill some hot dogs for those who want a snack.  Of course if it is overcast or nasty weather, we will have to reschedule. Revisit ZooBlog periodically for updates.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

2002 Ice Storm in Western Oklahoma

As we continue to get more winter weather, I was thinking about past Oklahoma winters.  I found this photograph that I took in Enid back 2002.  The location is a block north of State Highway 412 on the west side of town.  Power was out for two weeks in some places.  Once as a child, I remember it snowing on Easter.  Hopefully we will escape the icy weather this week.